Hits: 1045
Avast offers both a free and paid version of their software. While the free version is very functional, consider purchasing the commercial version as the additional functionality offers considerable protection.
Hits: 959
The free version of this software does not offer real-time protection, but scanner is a great tool for after-the-fact infection cleanup.
Hits: 950
Super Anti-Spyware offers both a free and commercial version. The free version does not offer real-time protection but is a good after-infection scanner. We often use malwarebytes in conjunction with this product as our first tier cleanup effort.
Hits: 1418
This utility is not for the neophyte. It allows the user to disable execution of viruses and malware, but does not remove it. A dirty little secret of computers is that a virus can reside on the machine but can only do harm if executed, so disabling execution is often the first step to removal. WARNING: You can cause serious problems by improperly using this product.
Hits: 933
This program offers real-time protection against registry changes as well as the ability to scan for malware. Intended for the more technically inclined, we usually recommend it for post-infection cleanup unless you rarely install new applications, as SpyBot is very aggressive about prompting when changes are seen.
Hits: 965
Clamwin offers both a free and commercial version. The free version does not offer real-time virus protection of the computer, but does offer real-time scanning of email if you use the Microsoft Outlook email program. For those that don't like real-time protection, this is a good alternative. Keep in mind, no real-time protection means many viruses and malware will be caught after the fact.
Hits: 911
Panda has a quality product (both free and commercial), although not as popular as many others. It offers both virus scanning and real-time protection.
Hits: 1157
This is a great anti-malware tookit, but has a very rudimentary interface, essentially a dos-window. When all else fails, this is worth a try.